Sunday, October 25, 2009

Our Trip to the Washington D.C. Temple

For the past several weeks, we've been talking about visiting the Washington D.C. Temple as a family. Apparently a lot of people in this area take Sunday Drives.

This is the mighty Potomac River--not exactly as scenic as a imagined.

After an hour in the car, we reached our destination. And it was well worth the drive!

There is nothing quite as marvelous as the temple grounds on a beautiful Fall day. My typically boisterous brood was a little more subdued on the temple grounds. Even though Gavin and Laynie are small, they recognize that the temple is an incredibly special place.

We even found our own burning bush. Just kidding.

Both kids wanted to "touch the temple." Gavin asked repeatedly if he could go inside. We explained that he needed a temple recommend and that to earn one he had to be obedient. He said he would "try harder".

Virigina is for lovers...or at least Fall lovers! The air was as crisp as the few unraked leaves my children found to walk on. The temple is exquisite, but its already lustrous walls are beautifully framed by some of God's finest creations.

I only wish that more of the people we love could have shared this day with us!

For every glimpse of heaven, we also have to endure several hours of reality. What looks like a cute picture of Laynie snuggling me, is really her licking my face.

And then exerting her independence as she ran away.

It is always difficult to be separated from the ones we love, but our temple visit reminded me that the time we spend apart is only temporary. It is comforting knowledge that our loving Heavenly Father has prepared a way for families, my family, to be together forever.


Olivia Wallace said...


Emma said...

Yup looks like you had a great day!!