Monday, October 5, 2009

I Wear my Sunglasses at Night

Laynie really does wear her sunglasses at night, and all day, and during meals, and during bath get the picture. She has grown super attached to her Barbie-pink sunglasses and even cries when I make her take them off. This picture is just after bath time (note the ragamuffin hair). She's in her pajamas, waiting for stories, and still won't take the glasses off.

Gavin liked the idea of being attached to something...not sure if he felt left out ? Maybe just liked the attention Laynie's glasses garnered? For a whole day he refused to take off this snow hat. He even took his afternoon nap wearing it.
I love this picture of him! He hates smiling for the camera, so I chased him around in circles and got him laughing, then snapped this shot. If you look closely you can see his legs are a little blurry because he's trying to pivot away. Little Monkey.
On a more serious note, Laynie had her 18-month checkup today (please no comments about it being a month and a half late). She has finally grown. Actually, the only part of her that has grown are her legs. She's 90 percent legs!
When the nurse stretched her out to get her height measurement today she said, "I pulled on her leg and it just kept going!" And all the length has positively added to her height--32.5 inches tall! She has jumped from the 25th percentile to the 70th! Maybe there's a little Wallace in her after all.
Laynie is a GREAT eater, but it doesn't show. My baby only weighs 22 pounds (fully dressed, with shoes and a soggy diaper). That's 20th percentile. The doctor says not to worry (like I would! Have any of you seen Gavin? Talk about skinny!). She says Laynie might be one of the lucky few who are, "long and lean." Yeah right. Her genetics will catch up with her someday.


Jen said...

SO CUTE!!! Good Job on the growth...she has 2 inches on T. By the way, LOVE your fridge in the background. Good choice! Do you love it?!

Olivia Wallace said...

Oh now Guggy's sad! I miss you guys soooo much!!!!

S. Fantasia said...

.... so I can, so I can, watch you weave, then breathe your story lines.

Is it nerdy that I LOVE that song? Haha! Anywho, I wish you were nearer so we could hang out and eat Havarti and be merry. :o)

Brianne & Jarod said...

Both priceless pictures!!

Emma said...

Yup you have the cutest kids.

Becky Wallace said...

Steph, I could totally go for a Havarti sandwich right this second.

Good bye lean cuisine, hello butter cheese!

Jodi said...

Very cute!
Thanks for sharing!!

ETStandiford said...

Well at least it is sunglasses it could be a silky blanket! I love the pictures and I love that Gavin is smiling!

Looli said...

love it. Benson was always little like that, and then just shot up. I'm hoping Bryn will do that, she's only 16 lbs now! :(