Friday, May 7, 2010

Soccer Stud Returns

Every athlete has off days. Chuck Knoblauch was the second baseman for the Yankees back in late '90s. If anyone who reads this blog knows what the yips are, then maybe you'll also remember that poor "Blauchead" had a serious case. One day he woke up and could no longer throw to first base. He overthrew, underthrew and bounced balls to the first baseman (including a throw that went into the opposing team's dugout). He never recovered and was traded to the KC Royals and then released.

A couple Saturdays ago, Gavin had his own case of the yips. For some inexplicable reason he decided that he "hated soccer." I kid-you-not, no bribery, pleading or promises for punishment could get him to step onto the soccer field. He spent 30 minutes standing on the endline crying. Finally I told him, "You WILL stay here. I am going home. I have better things to do then watch you stand around."

He didn't believe me. So, I left (Jamie stayed of course). Strangely, my love-and-logic parenting actually worked. Five minutes after I walked down the street Jamie went onto the field to participate in some particular exercise and Gavin decided to play along.

This Saturday, Gavin had a blast at soccer. He listened, participated and even demonstrated some skills for the rest of the team.

My point: If you don't know what the yips are, you should look it up. They really exist.

The proof is posted below:

Gavin listening to Coach Michelle.

Gavin showing his "awesome soccer muscles" because Coach Michelle asked him too.

Gavin listening to his ball "talk". Apparently Coach Michelle said that if you listen close enough the ball will tell you exactly what to do, how it wants to be kicked, and who you should pass it to.

The Yips are gone. Our Soccer-loving Gavin is back. Thank Heavens.


Grandma Edie said...

"The Yips just don't happen on the Soccar field...they just happen in life. Thank goodness Gavin, you must have kicked the Yips down the field, or maybe your dad did the right exercise to get rid of the Yips. Of course, seeing one of his best fans (his mother) leave his game might have just helped him push the "Yips" out of his way and "Play Soccar". I think his coach might have encouraged him some too. Good going Gav, do not allow the Yips in your life, on the field or off. I am so proud you.
Love G.Grandma Edie

Looli said...

Very funny, and cute!! We get all sorts of Yips around here.

Brianne & Jarod said...