Friday, May 7, 2010

Mother's Day Dance at Chantilly Academy

Can you say, "Best Mother's Day Ever"?
I can!
Gavin's school hosted an awesome Mother's Day Dance. We had a blast.

The kids made us crowns and jewelry, sang songs and taught us dances. Each mom became Queen for the Day!

Here's the awesome picture Gavin took of me in all my royal finery!

And here's the stunning shot I got of the two of us together!

My friend Debbie and her son Austin are some of our closest friends here in Virginia. We are so sad they are moving in a couple of months :(

After the dance, we went back to Gav's classroom and he showed me his favorite book and gave me MORE incredible Mother's Day Gifts.

Like this cute packet. I personally love that Gavin thinks I'm 56 years old, have blond hair and that my favorite food is fries from McDonalds.

Here's his beautiful art work. I'm the person with the "big eyes."

Is any Mother's Day complete without a handprint? I'm going to have to save this one.

Thanks Gav for all your hard work! Today really was the best Mother's Day I've had so far. Love you!


Grandma Edie said...

What a special Mother's Day activity for you Becky. Queen for a day, WOW! It must have been fun attending a dance at the Chantilly Academy.....with;, I must say, the most handsome young man at the academy. AND without being partial, the most beautifu, Queen Mother at a Mother's Day Dance. The special activities and great description by Gavin of his mother is certainly a "saver" for down the road. Now the "56" year's old is frightening. Great to know it will be quite a few more years before that number shows up as your "real" age. Also, that little hand print will always be special, but it will also grow will notice by time you are 56 Becky. Truly, Gav's first dance, fun activities, the hand print are keepers. However, you will always be a "Queen" in his life. Cherish these special times...Gavin will grow up much too fast. One day. all to soon, he will be driving to take a date to a dance, but you will always know that you had the first dance. AND Gavin, you will know that your Mom was your first dance partner many years before, but not 56.
Love G. Grandma Edie

wendy said...

Well -------who would have thought you were SO CLOSE to my own age.!!!

nice to be ROYAL if only for a day.

Auntie Em said...

The 56 years old made me laugh out loud, then came the fries, what a hoot! What a fun Mother's Day he gave you at his school.

Brianne & Jarod said...

LOVE his answers! That must have been a good day! You are the BEST and I miss you like crazy too!

Jodi said...

So sweet...