Wednesday, May 19, 2010

No matter how hard you try, something will always slip through the cracks

A lot is going on in the Wallace Household. In addition to the regular stuff--the monotonous Mom stuff you can never, ever escape--this weekend is the VIP Luncheon and Open House for our new church building.

I'm going crazy, like near-panic attack crazy, worrying about representing the LDS church and the primary organization appropriately. To illustrate my point, let me tell you some of the things I've been thinking about today:
  1. Is the movie (yep, I made a movie about primary) okay? Are people going to understand it? Are they going to ask me questions about it? What are they going to ask? What am I going to say?
  2. What should I wear? My forehead sweats when I talk to people. Should I wear my hair up? If I wear my hair up are people going to think Mormons are polygamists? Don't polygamist women always wear their hair up? Maybe I should wear it down, but if I sweat it will stick to my face.
  3. I'm going to be at the church from 10:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. I better have comfortable shoes. If I wear comfortable shoes, are the VIPs going to think I'm frumpy and as a result think all Mormon women are frumpy? I better wear heels even if it hurts. But if my heels are too tall is that going to give people a bad opinion of me? Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, what am I going to put on my feet?
  4. I can't wear sandals. I don't have a pedicure. Aren't open-toed shoes inappropriate? Are they? Is it frumpy of me to think that? Am I frumpy? Oh my gosh, I'm frumpy!!
  5. Are all the displays going to be ready? Can I get everything set up by myself? Where are all the pictures of Christ people promised? Are there going to be enough? Am I going to need to go buy easels?
  6. What am I going to do with my kids for 6.5 hours? Will my friends still love me if they are stuck with my children for that long?

I wouldn't be so worried if Jamie was going to be around. But he's not. He's going to be in Europe.

Obviously, I need to find some balance. I tried to give myself a break last night and host writer's group at my house.

Gavin won't sleep if he knows someone is having fun at our house and he isn't involved. So I put him in my bed and put a movie on hoping (against all odds) that he would: 1) fall asleep with the movie on or 2) at least give my writer's group a little peace while we worked.

Things didn't exactly go according to plan.

Yep, he fell asleep...but not in my bed. Sometime while we were meeting (I'm not exactly sure when; he's a stealthy little creature), Gavin snuck to the living room, flopped over the chair and fell asleep. How can anyone sleep like that?
I honestly didn't even notice he was there until I got up from my computer to shut off all the lights. I have a serious case of Mom Guilt. My poor baby! I didn't even think about him! I could hear the movie playing, so I assumed he was watching it.
The lesson I've learned today: no matter how hard you try, you can't worry about everything. Something is going to slip through the cracks.
This very instant I just realized I don't know if I have the right length table cloths for the primary tables. Oh crap. I guess I better find out...


Becky Wallace said...

P.S. If you want to see the longest eyelashes EVER, click on the picture of Gav to get a close up. It's not fair that boys get all the good genetics.

Jen said...

Watch're starting to sound like me!

Things will be perfect. Wear your hair don't look like a polygamist. Wear comfy shoes... otherwise you will hat yourself the next day (been there). Call in your counselors and teachers to help you set up, and I know you have tons of friends who will LOVE to watch your kids...and your kids will have a great day. Without you. Which is the bummer part. But then, when you get home, you'll love them even more because you've missed them so much & you're so grateful to have this thing over with! It's going to be great. YOU are going to be great.

PS--I'll have to email you a picture I took last month of Kai asleep under my parents desk in Utah. Poor kid was in a new house & we didn't even know he'd come out. They live...and we get good pictures out of it!

Olivia Wallace said...

Ditto what Jen said. We love you!

Becky Wallace said...

Oh! Poor Kai! That's so cute. Our little boys are the best.

Diana said...

I offer encouragement to you who has already shared a helping or two with me. You will be a great rep for the church. You are doing a great job with the kids, especially with all the things you are doing w/o the help of a hubbie who isn't currently available. I imagine that everyone will be so impressed with your talents on Saturday, that they'll ask you to do it again. So maybe just do an "okay" job and then you'll be happier. :) jk
Good luck.

The Arciniegas said...

Becky, You just made me laugh so hard. I love hearing your thoughts and am glad to know I'm not only one that has battles in my head. You are not frumpy at all. You will be a wonderful example and representative of the church.
What's your writing group? That sounds like fun.

wendy said...

Goodness, what an assignment. I guess it is an open house --for everyone, non-LDS also??

Well, of course you don't want to be frumpy. Molly Mormon is not your style.
Wear heels, (you can soak your feet the next day) wear your hair down, slap on some hot lipstick and perfume.....
show 'em Mormon women are HOT

and you are a good mom. He looks comfy enough.

wendy said...

nope - I don't agree with Jen

you might even want to show a little cleavage
Wha ha ha ha

Looli said...

even on your "worst" day, you are FAR from FRUMPY!! Your kids will survive. You are ALWAYS watching other kids, so don't feel guilty. Just do your best, and pick up McDonalds on your way home. It will all turn out okay.

Looli said...

ps: I wish I was there to help!

Brianne & Jarod said...

Annnnnnd...BOY am I late reading this post. I agree with all that was stated above, and to make you feel better I will admit to you that while I was trying to chat with some new couples in our ward my son may have left the church building, got locked out, and stood and cried at the door until we found him. Feel better? Your the best! Counting down the days!!

Grandma Edie said...

Oh Bec, No matter what you decide to wear, clothes, style of hair, etc. etc. etc. you will be dashing. Now, you know that you have everything prepared. The video, your talk, arrangements for the children, the area in the ward building where your presentation will be done perfectly... I am so proud of all you do and how well you do it. Now for Gav, he does have the longest lashes and beautiful eyes ever. Actually, he looks very at peace and restful. Kids survive well despite the rushing round and stresses that parents have. For what it is worth, children are the result of some of the frustration that parents feel and deal with. Trust me, he was comfortable, and if not, he would wake up and certainly find you. The bright side is, it will all be over time to meet another challenge. You are the greatest!!
Grandma Edie

Stacy said...

Never have Mommy guilt when you find your kids in weird places sleeping. Lily does this all the time. We have found her asleep in a laundry basket, in the linen closet, under a bed, on the landing of our stairs. Finding her is like playing hide and seek. Instead of tagging her "it" we just pick her up and toss her in her real bed.