Saturday, November 1, 2008

War Wounds

Look Mom! I have a bruise! Okay so you totally can't see it in the picture, but it really is there! The top of my foot and toes are swollen too.
Non-members of the Vallett Family will not understand this post, but those of us with that particular surname know exactly what I'm talking about. You see, Valletts don't bruise! For instance, MeMe got kicked in the head and had 8 stitches, but only had a slightly pink eyelid when a normal person would have had a shiner for weeks. A vacuum fell down a flight of stairs onto my mom's hand, and it didn't leave a mark. I kicked Lizzy in the shins (it's a long story) and she had nothing to show from that particular experiment. So when Gavin dropped a battery charger on my foot, a real bruise would have been the deciding factor if I needed to go to the hospital or not. I've been limping around for two days, and all I have to show is a measly gray-blue spot and some slightly puffy toes. No real bruise, so I guess it's not really broken. BUT, I will wear that gray-blue spot as a badge of honor. It may be the only bruise I have this year!


Brianne & Jarod said...


wendy said...

HOLY FREAKING OUCH!! Nice toes, I like the way your 2nd toe sticks out there (tee,hee)

wendy said...
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wendy said...

HOLY FREAKING OUCH!! Nice toes, I like the way your 2nd toe sticks out there (tee,hee)

wendy said...

whoops, sorry, computer glitch, like I didn't mean to post this 3 TIMES!!!!!!!!!!!!

S. Fantasia said...

Hahahaha. I am totally the opposite. I'll bump into my mattress and have a softball-size bruise for weeks - it's pathetic.

Oh, and those are some sexy toes! Someone didn't give that second one the stop-growing memo. LOL. Devin says my second is a little longer than my big toe too, so we'll be freaks together.

Becky Wallace said...

I acutally have to go up half a shoe size for that stinkin' toe! My friend Jami once called it the "Raptor toe," which is a totally accurate description. And the worst part about it is that my right second toe isn't quite as long! AHHH!!!

By the way Steph, supposedly the long second toe thing signifies advanced intelligence. Just tell Devin that you have an extra brain stored there.

simply jami said...

Ow, although I have to say that I can't really see a bruise. I am sure it's there if you are this excited about it! This is a prime example of your optimism and zest for life! You rock O bruised one!