Saturday, September 11, 2010

School Days, School Days, Dear Old Golden Rule Days

Gav was less than excited to start school.

Despite his awesome backpack. The wings are zipped inside.

And his character shoes.
He's at a new school, with a new teacher and lots of new classmates. He only stayed the first day because I threatened to take the Cheetos out of his lunch box.
Miss Vickie is a real stickler for the rules and good manners. She's not touchy-feely and expects the kids to take care of themselves. If I can get him to go without a fight, then it will probably be a good fit for Gavin. He's the kind of kid who needs a lot of structure.

Laynie's glad to have her one-on-one time back. She had to grab her "purse" before we went to the store on the first day of school.

And even though I'm a little embarrassed to post this's Gavin's new bedding. Jamie and I had this discussion prior to going to the store:
Me: "I'm thinking something, maybe plaid, that picks up the colors of his room. I really want something he won't grow out of tomorrow."
Jamie: "Sure. That sounds great."
Do any of you see anything plaid about that blanket? I was hoping for something a little more collegiate, pennants on the walls, cute old-school sketches of sports scenes. Well...unless you say those exact words you end up with Ironman. Awesome.
Here's the follow-up conversation:
Me: "IRONMAN? I wanted something he wasn't going to grow out of."
Jamie: "It was $19! We can replace it next year."
It will be replaced soon.


Ardy said...

The backpack is almost bigger then Gav. Love it though and he looks like he can conquer anything! Gav you're the man!!!!

Jen said...

Okay...LOVE the soccer story...what a stud! And really, $19...he's going to be SOOO happy for probably TWO years!!! But it's a hilarious story :)

Emma said...

Men.... do they ever listen????

I bet he loves his room!!!!

Grandma Edie said...

The backpack looks like it could hold lots of things. Every little boy would love one of those. He will shine in school. Of course the Cheeto are a great incentive. Now about Miss Vickie, structured with strick expectations, she undoubtedly has not had a lot of Gavins in her class. Those blue eyes will melt her, and they will be a great fit. He will certainly be one that will put a smile on her face (even if she doesn't let it show), and melt she may do before school is out.
Now for Layne, she deserves a little time just with mom, shopping, playing, cooking, and all those things most little girls love to do. However, she will miss Gav's endless teasing and look forward to seeing him in a week or so.
Now, for the bedspread of Ironman. Every little boy loves Ironman and he will probably feel real safe with Ironman over him. When he grows out of the Ironman craze - Give it to Jamie.