Monday, March 2, 2009

Hi, I'm a PC. But, I Wish I Was a Mac.

If you think the Mac vs. PC commercials are all hype, you are dead wrong!
We bought a Dell Laptop in November and it has already given up the ghost. Luckily we paid for the extended warranty and service plans. After three weeks, several visits from Ali (the Dell hardware guy), and a call to Dell Software support, our computer is functional. It now has a new motherboard, memory stick, keyboard, and touch pad. And by "new" I really mean, refurbished. Dell doesn't put "new" parts into laptops that need repairs. So now I have a "new" laptop full of refurbished parts.
Here's the wasn't a hardware problem. It was VISTA!

1 comment:

S. Fantasia said...

We hated vista for the VERY short period that we had it! :o)

Cute birthday girl pictures above, she is such a doll.