Friday, January 9, 2009

Turn your back for one minute...

How come whenever you're in hurry, there is always some disaster? Yesterday morning Gavin was in the bathtub while I was putting on my makeup. He was having a blast so I thought I would just let him soak. Laynie was crawling around in the bathroom entertaining us both. Gavin decided it was time to get out, so I ran to his room to get some clean clothes. Meanwhile...
He decided it would be awesome to cover Laynie in bubbles. She was soaked to the skin!

When I came back to the bathroom, that is what he looked like.

Don't mind the little naked leg in the background. Instead using a towel to dry off, he decided to "blow dry." Which is Gav's code for running around without any clothes on until I catch him.

Aren't they fun!


Olivia Wallace said...

That's so funny,so typical.

wendy said...

That is hysterical -- I too like to "blow dry"