Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter 2011

 Easter is a time of tradition in the Wallace House.  Even before Jamie and I had kids, we dyed eggs.  It's sort of a sad time too!  It reminds me of how far from home we are.  I was glad to hear that MeMe and my Mom continued the tradition.  And we missed our little cousins who we used to dye eggs with in Houston!

 Rosy tried to get in on the action, but that would be a disaster beyond compare!

 "See Mom!  It's blue like my eyes!"


The Easter Bunny was generous this year!  He brought Gavin a few new tag books and some legos.

Laynie was so excited about her new, purple tag pen that I couldn't even get her to look at me.  Ah well...I already posted the pictures of them in their Easter clothes anyway.  


Olivia Wallace said...

Loved the pictures. We missed you yesterday!

Jodi said...

Looks like they had a great Easter!
Love the pic of Rosey :o)

wendy said...

Living far away from you families makes Family Traditions special....and painful. If you know what I mean.
I miss decorating eggs with the grandkids, and making sugar cookies, and Easter egg hunts
looks like your kids had fun

and...congratulations on Rosy completing doggie school

Grandma Edie said...

Traditions are really memories. How sad it is for children who have never dyed eggs, believed in Easter Bunnies, had new Easter outfits. It is a little work, but a tradition that they will want for their families down the road of life.
(Next year you will have to thinly ice a dogbone for Rosie.
Such fun times. Love Grandma Edie