Thursday, June 9, 2011

First Two Weeks

Audrey's two weeks old today! She has gained a little weight and is a pretty sweet baby...except at night. Not a good sleeper. I guess it should't be a surprise since she looks exactly like Gavin, and he didn't sleep at all till he was four months old.

The other kids have had plenty of attention from Aunt MeMe and Grandma Ardy. And Guggy sent an awesome package to keep them busy. Gav and his dad built this awesome castle. Think he likes it?

Laynie likes to play mommy's helper...some of the time. We've seen the green-eyed monster rear it's jealous little head on occasion.

My sister, Lizzy, sent this GORGEOUS blanket. Yes, she did crochet it herself.

And Grandma Ardy gave Audrey her first bath.

I was nervous to bathe Gavin when he was a baby, so I made my mom do it. Since then it's been a tradition.


Natalie said...

My mom always gives my babies their first bath too.

Olivia Wallace said...


Grandma Edie said... precious. Now about the sleeping...she has been in the dark for 9 months, so it isn't a surprise she isn't such a good sleeper at night. "Hey Mom, what is day and what is night? I will learn." The castle is thoughtful of Guggy. The crohet blanket is lovely. Neat Aunt. Lucky little girl..and Laynie will soon get attached to Audrey. It is hard for older siblings for a while.
I can hardly wait to see Audrey as well as the other two Great Grands. Love, G. Grandma Edie

wendy said...

and I bet Ardy was very happy to do it!!!!!!!!!!