Monday, November 22, 2010

Happy Birthday Gavin!

We don't do "friend" birthday parties every year, just the special ones. (Don't ask what qualifies as a "special" birthday, I don't have the formula figured out.)

SO, this is Gavin's first birthday party! He wanted a Transformer themed party and this is what we ended up with.

Transformers! More than meets the eye. (The cake and goodie bags)

The guests.

Gavin got a little excited and blew out the candles before the song was over.
And the most memorable gift...

Laynie's claw marks! Yeah...sometimes he picks. She's finally realized she has tools to fight back. Great.


Grandma Edie said...

Every birthday is special. There may not be a big party with guests, but they are special. Now birthday "5" is very special. This birthday is special because it means that Gavin will be going to school (not pre-school) next year.
A Transformer theme takes a mom and or dad to figure that one out. Looked good to me! Of course, it is the cake and goodie bags that the guests really want...even the birthday boy. Sometimes the birthday song goes slow when you are anxious to dig ito the good cake. Now for the claw marks, every little girl finds out she does have tools. It may take a few of those marks to sink in....but it will, and they will also heal...but may have little scars for a while as a "reminder". HOPE HIS BIRTHDAY WAS W O N D E R F U L !!!!!!
Grandma Edie

wendy said...

Oh my, nice war wounds.
he is getting so grown up.

and congratulations on the "new baby". so exciting.