Sunday, May 31, 2009

Prince of Peanut Butter

My Mom is FAMOUS for her semi-disgusting favorite snack. She dips potato chips in peanut butter. Well guess what Grandma Ardy! You are not alone! Gavin will eat peanut butter by the spoonful. (I gag just thinking about it).

I tried to convince him it would taste a lot better spread on bread with a little fresh jam. I said, "When I was little Grandma Ardy would make special fold-over sandwiches. They are so yummy!"

Gavin looked interested. "She made bulldozer sandwiches?"

"No, they're called fold-overs."

Gavin pushes the sandwich off his plate, "Well, maybe if it was a bulldozer I'd eat it."

Smart Alec.


Olivia Wallace said...

Guggy is glad Gav likes peanut butter he needs some fat on his bones!

wendy said...

GOOD IDEA --bulldozer sandwiches. can't wait to see you this summer

Brianne & Jarod said...

I am with Gavin..peanut butter on a spoon is YUM-O!

Emma said...
